The Color Controls

    Colors in PSP have a wide variety of adjustments. You can take real bad pictures and change them to where they are presentable for web pages.  Click on Colors at the top and this window pops up.

colors.gif (11021 bytes)

    Hold the curser over the adjust button and this window pops up.

colors2.gif (3445 bytes)

    Here is where all color adjustments can be made. I really only use 4 of these different methods. Dark pictures you can lighten by using the Brightness/Contrast. If you get what looks like a haze on the picture just increase the Contrast more. Generally I set contrast about double what the brightness is set at. Just keep moving the contrast till it looks to where you want it. One of the nice things about PSP is the window that lets you compare before and after shots of the picture before you click OK.

    Gamma Correction is my most used one simply because with it I can brighten or darken all the colors with the "Links" checked, or completely change the colors by leaving the "Links" unchecked and adjusting each of the colors seperately. Try this one I think you will like what it can do.

gamma1.gif (24670 bytes) The only thing I did here was adjust the red all the way to the left.   Really changed the colors didnt it. See the window with the lines? this shows how much change you did on the gamma curve to the picture. With "link" checked all 3 lines would move the same amount which would change things differently. Infinite adjustments here.


   Highlight/Midtone/Shadow can change the colors of a picture in completely different ways than Gamma. Gamma changes colors subtly but H/M/S changes the colors more vividly. Try this one when you want surreal effects on a picture.

    Hue/Saturation/Lightness does much the same as HMS so I dont use this much. On pictures that the other color adjustments didnt make a picture look the way I wanted this did the best job of getting the picture where I liked it. Try this one on the pictures that nothing else seems to work. Of course there are pictures so bad that you might as well throw them out. Not many but I have found a few.

    Hue Map is very good if you want to change just 1 color on a picture. It is somewhat limited because of the number of colors that match the controls, but it can be useful if you need just a few color changes on the picture. When it seems that a adjustment doesnt do anything it is because there isnt many colors on the picture that match that adjuster.

    Red/Green/Blue changes pictures much the same as Gamma but here it even changes all the colors. Gamma will leave the bright colors intact while RGB will take out part of the bright colors so that everything changes.  I prefer Gamma to this one unless you are working on a picture that someone else has changed in a photo program.

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