Titles and Special Text

   This is the page for making Titles and special text for your web page. A title for each of your web pages is nice because it gives people an indication of what the page is about. It also shows off your ability to make special effects on text like outlines of a different color and even 3D looking text. Here is a couple of examples.

title1.gif (5898 bytes)

    Starting with a new image, black background, sized 280 pixels by 80 pixels I applied the text in 72 size in the standard blue color in a font called "berliner". Then I did a carve effect from Eyecandy on it. Then I set the background as transparent, then saved it as a "gif". Only gif's can have a transparent background. This next gif does not have a transparent background. Instead it uses the background color of the page.

title4.gif (6133 bytes)

This kind of gif works with a simple background but if you have a picture for a background then it doesnt work at all. Depending on your page beckground you will have to decide what looks better for your page. In a dark background the first gif's dark edge would disappear so you will have to play around with it to get the effect you want.

    When making a web page have you ever thought you needed to have attention on one part of the page? Heres a good way to do it. People will notice the difference in the text. What you do is make a gif of the text you want to use with special effects on the gif. Like a paragraph title like this.

spec1.gif (4168 bytes)

    As a paragraph title it draws people to the paragraph. This one was made on a page background color, size 20, and a font called goldstone. Nothing else was done to the gif. The good thing about PSP is you have infinite colors and sizes and fonts to choose from. The below example is a standard text in a size 10 (what they call 10 point ).

spec2.gif (1408 bytes)

   Now on to the next page: Backgrounds

  Take a look at this Bordered Text tutorial

   Another Text style letters page

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