Here is a choice of letters done 2 different ways. Both take about the same amount of time to do, so you will have to decide which is better.
The first one starts
withwith a 500 by 100 blank image with a black background. Foreground color is green, set
your letters and deselect them (by right clicking).
Then start a new image same as before but with a transparent background, foreground color
set to yellow. Then selections/modify/feather by 5, Then edit/clear. The yellow should be
kinda transparent. Hit your ctrl + a, then ctrl + c keys, click on
black background image headerbar and hit ctrl + L 2 times. X out the transparent image
cause you dont need it anymore. Cutout what you dont need of the image.
This is what you get.
Now this second one was
done differently. Starting out with the same image, with a yellow foreground color, and a
green background color. Do the selection/modify/
feather by 5, then edit/clear. Then click sharpen more 2 or 3 times. Cutout what
you dont need and the second image is what you get. You will have to decide weather you
want a more blended edge on the yellow or not. This just shows you how unique you can get
with your lettering.
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