Known as the Toolbar in PSP.
1. New Button, Use this button to create a new blank image
2. Open Button, This lets you find a image or picture in your computer.
3. Save Button, This one saves the file. Great when you make changes and want to quick save it.
4. Print Button, A quicker way to print out an image.
5. Undo Button, Undo the last thing you did quickly with this one.
6. Redo Button, This one Redo, if you hit the Undo button at the wrong time.
7. Cut Button, Cuts out the selection and pastes it to clipboard.
8. Copy Button, Copys the selection from the current layer and pastes it to the clipboard.
9. Paste Button, It Pastes the selection in the clipboard to the image you have showing.
10. Fullscreen, Lets you view the image on
a black fullscreen background.
(Remember to hit the excape button to bring the PSP program
11. Normal Button, If you have Zoomed in or out, this button takes it back to it true size.
12. Toggle Tool Button, Make the tool palette on the left side disappear or reappear.
13. Toggle Control Button, Opens or closes each tool that you selects control palette.
14. Toggle Colors Button, Hides or shows the colors palette on the right side.
15. Toggle Histogram Button, Hides or shows the histogram palette.
16. Toggle Layers Button, Shows or hides the layers palette.
17. Help Button, Want to find help for another button fast? Click
this button then on the
button you needed help with.
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